
Mustafa Kemal, the dictator of Turkey was a Jew. And here is the Proof, from the most reliable source-himself...!

Did you know that dictator Mustafa Kemal, the enemy of Islam and the so-called founder of republic of turkey, was jewish?

To this date, there is extreme confusion among Muslims and non-Muslims alike regarding who was Mustafa Kemal, the dictator of Turkey and the british agent. Recently, yet another evidence has revealed that Mustafa Kemal, the ruthless dictator of Turkey, was not only a non-muslim doenmeh, but a secret Jewish descendant of Jewish false messiah Sabbatai Zwi! The evidence comes not from tracing his genealogy, but from the statements he himself made...

Ataturk the Jew:

Freemason Dictator Mustafa Kemal openly confessed that he was Jewish and a descendant of Jewish false messiah Sabbatai Zwi.

Freemason Dictator Mustafa Kemal - The Apostate:

Freemason Dictator Mustafa Kemal, The So-Called Founder(!) Of The Oppressive Secular Republic In Turkey, Was Jewish:

Various historians such as the late Rabbi Dr. Joachim Prinz have written that Mustafa Kemal was of Spanish Jewish Ancestry. His ancestors fled Spain during the Spanish Inquisition. In the book Prinz writes about the Jewish community of Selanik. Many of the policies of Ataturk have supported the claims that he was Jewish such as his strong Anti-Islamic secularization program in Turkey, the conversion of the Turkish Alphabet from Arabic script to the Latin alphabet, and the end of the Caliphate. (Wikipedia)

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Muslims Of Turkey Challenge The Zionist-Controlled Tyrant Secular Regime..!:

Nothing can be compared to the sublime feeling of speaking up for Islam and getting arrested for it. These brothers who have no fear for the Apostate secular government in Turkey, spoke up against their filthy regime and its leaders such as Hilmi Özkök, Jewish Yaşar Büyükanıt, Crypto-Jew Kemalists; and they called for Allah's Divine Law to be established. May Allah reward all those with the highest ranks in Jannah (Paradise).

Turkish Awakening..!:

This is a Turkish Sharia movement based in Germany, looking forward to overthrow the Jewish puppet dictatorship of Freemason Jew Mustafa Kemal and revive the Islamic Caliphate in Turkey inshaAllah. These young Turkish Muslims are chanting an anthem called "Tâviz Acıdır" (Concession is Painful).